
How Bellabaci Cupping Massage Can Benefit Your Clients
Have you heard of Bellabaci Cupping Massage? It’s a cupping technique that provides all the benefits of Chinese Cupping without any of the negative drawbacks.
Cupping is an ancient technique that has been used for many years to help relieve pressure in the body. The traditional glass cups are placed on the body with the application of heat creating a vacuum. Bellabaci Cupping Massage Therapy is a modernised version of Chinese Cupping that combines techniques of Swedish and deep tissue massage to help your clients with a variety of aches and pains. If you haven’t explored the benefits this could give your clients, it could be the newest treatment to add to your massage therapy business.
Bellabaci Cupping Massage Therapy uses silicone cups instead of glass ones and does not use heat to provide the vacuum. Alternatively, the silicone cups are squeezed before being placed on the body, avoiding the after result of red marks left on the body by the glass cups. The Bellabaci Cupping technique can be used directly over bones and joints, unlike many traditional massage techniques, to really help your clients detoxify their body.
The Cupping Massage technique has been popular with celebrities such as Jennifer Aniston and Victoria Beckham, who have been known for having the after results of red circles on the body after treatment. The Bellabaci Cupping Massage, gives the same results without the drawback of these aftermarks, as the silicone cups deliver a much softer treatment.
As well as providing the usual benefits of a traditional massage, Bellabaci cupping massage can help with relief from tight muscles, headaches and migraines. It can additionally ensure better circulation in the body, reduce cellulite and improve skin texture.
As with most therapeutic treatments, there is currently limited scientific evidence that cupping massage therapy delivers direct benefits, however there is a substantial amount of customers and testimonials which attribute the treatment to having positive effects, as well as many celebrities jumping forward to have the treatment.
The range of benefits from Bellabaci Cupping therapy makes it the ideal treatment to introduce to your clients. You can purchase the equipment needed from our store including our Bellabaci Training Kit, this includes eight cups as well as a training DVD and manual. This cupping technique allows you to provide a new treatment, without having to be trained in acupuncture. As well as VULSINI providing this, you can also purchase the Bellabaci Genie oilotions which can be combined with the cupping therapy to give your clients the best results! What’s more, you can even take a 1 day CPD training course with our affiliate school here.
When introducing the Bellabaci Cupping Therapy treatment to your clients, consider putting together an introductory offer. When your clients begin to see the benefits of the treatment, it will encourage them to use the treatment more. Encourage your clients to leave positive reviews, as this could lead to potential new clients too!
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